Life Before Toilet Paper

Every body Poops, and necessity is the mother of invention. What would you do if there was no toilet paper? Well, to put that question in perspective, toilet paper as we know it was invented in the mid 1800’s. So for the larger part of our civilized world, humanity had none. And, all over the world still, many have a hard enough time finding the food which converts to that end product which requires wiping. So it isn’t likely they are using Charmin even today. As you consider this question (which is kind of funny) remember to be thankful.
Let’s take a look at that “situation” from a historical angle.
In the past wealthy Romans used wool and rosewater and others used sponge attached to a wooden stick, soaked in a bucket of salt water to help keep it sterile. The Greeks used clay.
In Coastal Regions, mussel shells were used (and sometimes coconut husk).
Europeans used their hands, often in a creek or river.
People from Middle Eastern cultures have used they left hand with little water.
The Eskimos would use moss or snow.
The Vikings used wool.
The Colonial Americans used the core center cobs from shelled ears of corn. If there where plenty, there might be a basket of them in the outhouse, but, some households shared a cob. Later Sears and Robuck catalouges and the Farmer’s Almanac served the purpose here in the U.S..
The Chinese have the oldest documented history with TP dating from the 6th century AD.
People have also been known to use leaves, grass, hay, stone, sand, husks, fruit skins, sticks and whatever else they could find.
The French are credited for the invention of the bidet which looks like a toilet, but is for washing the genitalia and anus. And we know what the cats and dogs do. Bon Appetit!

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