>Morse Code __ ___ ._. … . _._. ___ _.. .

>Morse Code was invented by Samuel Morse for use over telegraph lines in 1835. The code uses a series of dashes and dots to represent letters of the alphabet. However, morse code can be sent using flash lights, whistles, horns, the tapping of stone on stone, a laser light reflected on an object or even by flag. When sending Morse Code by flag, a flag swung to the right represents a dot, to the left a dash. This is a really cool way to send secret messages and to communicate over distance without a phone or walkie talkie. Below is the alphabetic and numeric key for Morse Code.

In addition to the above codes there are procedural conventions for use by the sender and receiver of messages.
Used by Sender
AAAA = Attention; I have message are you ready?
EEEEEEEE= Error; Mistake made, I will begin with the last word sent correctly.
Pause= Period; End of word.
AR= End of Message; Did you get it?
Used by Receiver
K= Go Ahead; Start sending.
IMI= Repeat signal; Send again, I missed it.
T= Word received; to be used upon receipt of each word.
R= Message received; ok.
All of the signals using multiple letters are sent as if one letter. That is there is no pause between letters during transmission of these procedural signals. So the code for “Attention” which is 4 A’s, would be dot dash dot dash dot dash dot dash, then a pause.
This can take time to learn, but may one day prove invaluable. Practice with a friend and get good, you’ll have a blast!
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9 Responses to >Morse Code __ ___ ._. … . _._. ___ _.. .

  1. Div says:

    This really helped me in passing messages to my friends in math class :p

  2. vick says:

    . . . _ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ . _ . . _ . . _ . _ _ _

  3. Zimbolaktus says:

    What about ponctuation and other signs like dash dot dot dot dash to begin and end a text ?

  4. Hask Team Hask says:

    lol gonna use this in my vids :3

  5. Glitchy boi says:

    .. – -.. .- … ..-. ..- -.

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